DATAMART Self-Service Data - Handshakes

DATAMART Self-Service Data

Self-service corporate data at your fingertips

Official registry data of over 4.6 million companies and businesses


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Latest Data

Updated daily from ACRA

First Mover Advantage

Identify opportunities ahead of competitors

Time & Cost Savings

Data on-demand 24/7
Buy only what you need


Key features


Official Data Sources

•  Corporate registry of Singapore and Malaysia
•  Licensed ACRA data partner

Self-Service at your Convenience

•  Access data at any time of the day
•  Account setup within one working day
•  Instant self top-up credits

Quick and Easy Access

•  Report available in 10 minutes
•  Output in CSV format

Highly Customisable Search Criteria

•  Easy filtering and segmenting
•  Up to 13 different search criteria

Wide Selection of up to 70 Data Points

•  Company basic registration details
•  Shareholding information
•  Appointment information
•  Company financials

Targeted Results

•  Select data points of your choice
•  Get specific data in granular form

Suitable for

Business Development

•  Lead Generation
•  Prospecting
•  Customer Relationship Management


•  Industry Insights
•  Competitor Analysis
•  Reports & Recommendations

Business Intelligence

•  Benchmarking
•  Financial & Risk Scoring
•  Trend Spotting

One-minute introduction video


See how DATAMART delivers targeted corporate data.

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Receive an email within minutes.
Add credits when necessary.

Download Data

Pay and download report.
Unlimited download for 30 days.

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    Frequently asked questions about Handshakes DATAMART

    How long does it take for my account to be set up?

    To sign up for a new DATAMART account, simply fill in the form here. You will receive an account activation email within one working day. If you do not see the email in your inbox, please check your junk mail folder.

    After getting an account, where do I start?

    The Handshakes DATAMART is an easy-to-navigate portal where users can retrieve data swiftly with a few clicks. We recommend that you watch the tutorial for a better understanding. Please also refer to the Factsheet and the User Guide, which can be found once you log in to DATAMART

    How long does it take for me to get my search result?

    Once you submit your search request, the system will take about 10 minutes to populate the results. The quotation will be sent to your registered email, and also available under “My Request”. Kindly ensure sufficient credits in your account before proceeding to download the result file.

    How much does this service cost?

    The cost of each request depends on the number of records retrieved from our database based on your search criteria, and the number of data points selected.

    What kind of data can I obtain from this portal?

    The Handshakes DATAMART database contains official records of more than 4.6 million companies and businesses registered in Singapore and Malaysia with up to 70 data points. Key business insights such as basic registration details (such as name, address, registration number), shareholding information, related personnel and companies, as well as financials are available for selection in granular format.

    How reliable is this data?

    Handshakes is an Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) authorised information service provider in Singapore and together with our data partner in Malaysia, Handshakes provides up-to-date official corporate registry data from both regions.

    What can I use this data for?

    The data can be used to identify new business opportunities, verify your related parties’ data, generate industry statistics, supplement your research and more, depending on your needs.

    What is the format of data?

    The data is in CSV format.

    Why do I need to specify at least 2 criteria per search request?

    To optimise your search for data, a minimum requirement of two search criteria is needed to guide our search. As there are more than 4.6 million companies and businesses, a well defined set of search criteria will yield you stronger targeted results.

    I am an existing Handshakes APP subscriber. Can I use the same log-in credentials and existing credits for DATAMART?

    As DATAMART is an independent data platform, all users will need to create new accounts. Credits are non-transferrable between the two platforms.

    I really like this platform. Can this be integrated into my organisation’s system?

    We’re glad that you found Handshakes DATAMART useful! The Handshakes DATAMART is also available in API. If you are keen to find out more about API integration, please reach us at [email protected].



    We hope you have found the FAQ useful. If your questions are not addressed here, please do not hesitate to reach us at [email protected] and our consultants will be glad to assist you further.

    Get started with DATAMART


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