Due Diligence Software | Corporate Data Analytics Tool

APP Platform

Get a clearer view of companies and people

Our interactive and award-winning app gives you quicker insights on your clients, vendors, employees and partners.

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Speed up due diligence checks, drastically

Powered by proprietary data analytics technology, our platform enables you to perform background checks faster, more accurately and more cost-effectively.

Visualise connections within seconds

Our app presents detailed connections between persons and companies in simple-to-understand visuals.

You can trust our data

Our corporate data comes from trusted sources, including official company registry and capital markets data. Also available as APIs.

Types of Interactive Map

Radial Map

Powered by official company registry data and capital markets data, Radial maps analyse the connections of companies in Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam and China. Search results are instantly generated as interactive connection maps, so users can perform quick checks on companies and persons more efficiently.

Interconnection Map

While Radial maps reveal direct connections of a single entity, our Interconnection maps give users the ability to investigate how two or more entities are connected, both directly and indirectly.

Legal Beneficial Ownership (LBO) Map

Designed with the support of the SAICSA (Singapore Association of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators) and in line with Financial Action Task Force’s recommendations, the intelligent LBO algorithm exhaustively identifies a subject’s known connections. That is, it identifies all persons and companies with direct and indirect interest in the subject. Search results are instantly generated as interactive hierarchy maps for easy understanding and analysis.

Investee Companies Map

A perfect complement to the Legal Beneficial Ownership map, Investee Companies maps reveal the ownership interest held by a person or company. Search results are generated instantly as an interactive hierarchy chart for easy understanding and analysis.

  1. List of Corporate Reports
  2. SG
  3. MY
  4. VN
  5. CN
  1. Regulatory, Enforcement & Disciplinary (RED) List Report

    Individual or Company’s Direct & Indirect Exposure to regulatory actions

    • Coverage includes Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Australia & Global (Interpol & United Nations Security Council)
  2. SG
  3. MY
  4. CN
  1. Financial Profile Report

    Company’s information and financial statements (Up to 5 years)

    • P&L statements
    • Balance Sheet
    • Cash Flow statements
  2. SG
  3. VN
  1. Entity Profile Report

    Individual or Company’s current shareholding status

    • Network or benchmark score for level of connectedness
    • In-depth details of current & past charges
    • Direct and Indirect exposure to regulatory actions
  2. SG
  3. MY
  4. VN
  5. CN
  1. Entity Profile Report – PRO

    • All features in Entity Profile Report and Financial Profile Report
    • Exclusive for Malaysia Market
  2. MY

Other Features

Procurement Check

An efficient, cost-effective solution for conducting fast conflict-of-interest checks. The ideal tool for verifying employee and vendor declarations of independence while identifying potential risks.

Bulk Entity Reports

A powerful booster for businesses to seamlessly process entity reports in high volume within a few clicks, improving efficiency and productivity for end users.


Set alerts for entities and receive email notifications whenever there are updates to your selected entity. Your list of alerts will remain private and inaccessible to other users.

Data coverage

The Handshakes App taps into 2 data types, across 4 markets.


Company registry data



Access reliable company registry data from official sources such as ACRA.


  • Singapore
  • Malaysia
  • Vietnam
  • China

Available information includes:

  • Company information 
  • Director’s details
  • Shareholders’ details




Capital markets



We offer comprehensive disambiguated data, which allows you to uniquely identify every entity – even if names have been changed, or are inconsistently documented.


  • Singapore
  • Malaysia

Available information includes:

  • Shareholders 
  • Management
  • Commercial transactions



Leverage the APP

Perform due diligence background checks

Check for conflicts of interest

Investigate corporate entities & ensure compliance

Smoothly onboard clients & KYC checks

One-minute introduction video

See how our app enables risk mitigation.

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